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Loading API

The static File.Load(inputEventArgs: object) method loads the game data object by parsing it as a JSON object. If the file is loaded and parsed, the file-loaded event is dispatched with a status code in EventArgs.detail:

  • 200: loaded and parsed successfully
  • 600: version mismatch

The theme must have an input[type="file"] element wrapped in another element. The EventArgs object raised by the input element is passed to File.Load(inputEventArgs: object) method.


To use the File API, import the File object from modules/files.js.


In this example, the theme has a load button wrapped in a form element (1). When the input is clicked (triggers a change event in the form element), the selected file is loaded (2), parsed, and the global store is updated. Any subscribed elements are then synchronized by the Data API (3).


<form id="form_load">
	<input type="file" id="input_load" name="input_load"> <!-- (1) -->


import { File } from "../../modules/file.js";

$("#form_load").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
	File.Load(e); // (2).


<span id="player_name">


data.Subscribe($("#player_name"), "innerText", "player"); // (3).


The file-loaded event is still dispatched but the scenes themselves don’t listen to it. The frame, however, may show an error message if the status code isn’t the eexpected 200.