Link Search Menu Expand Document

How it works

Initialization and configuration

On startup, the engine takes some settings from configuration.js, most notably the entryPoint key which specifies which scene should be loaded first, and which theme should be used. The theme is displayed within the target element.

Displaying scenes

The engine loads the scene files and displays them within the theme. Each theme must contain a content element, where the scene is displayed, along with its stylesheet and script file.

The engine adds a click event listener to the document. Every anchor tag is regarded as navigation link, i.e. to change scenes. Links with the data-link property are treated like regular links, and will navigate away.


The engine keeps track of the current scene, and saves it alongside the game data store. On loading, the engine will change to the saved “current” scene, but setting up the data inside the scenes must be handled by the scenes themelves (see: File API/Saving API).